Studies - Index of selected designs
The sports and entertainment facility Sports and entertainment facility "Warsaw Arena" - diploma project
sheets index
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location: the former practise sports field next to "Stadion Dziesieciolecia" stadium, Praga, Warsaw
The Industrial & Large-scale Architecture Design Studio
thesis advisor: prof. dr arch. Maciej Gintowt
studio manager: dr arch. Stefan Kurylowicz
professional advisors: structure prof. dr hab. inz. Adam Zbigniew Pawlowski, economics prof. dr hab. Witold Werner, engineering systems mgr inz Grzegorz Marczak, city planning mgr inz. kom. Grazyna Martusewicz-Wlaz, landscape architecture mgr arch. kraj. Irena Bajerska
critic: dr arch. Tomasz Kazimierski
index of 54 arenas
The volume development study index Massing study - major project
index of 4 sheets
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location: Ptasia Street, Plac Za Zelazna Brama, Warsaw
The Industrial & Large-scale Architecture Design Studio
project advisors: mgr arch. Andrzej Miklaszewski
dr arch. Anna Smolikowska-Malachowska
studio manager: prof. dr arch. Maciej Gintowt
Infill building - architectural design index Infill building - architectural design
index of 5 views and a vector section
location: 13 Marcinkowskiego Street, Praga, Warsaw
project advisors: prof. dr hab. arch. Miriam Wisniewska,
arch. Anna Grabowska, dr arch. Boguslawa Sadowska
The Department of Rural Architecture and Planning
prof. nzw. dr arch. Jerzy Wisniewski
conservation and modernization of a house index Single family house - conservation and modernization of the house
index of 8 views and 6 vector plans
location: 33 Kielecka Street, Mokotow, Warsaw
project advisor: dr Malgorzata Sikorska
atelier: dr inz. arch. Zygmunt Hofman
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